About the Mystery Glyphs
Hidden throughout the western united states are mysterious petroglyphs with symbols that no one understands. These aren’t any regular Native American petroglyphs, these panels of rock carvings contain intricate symbols that resemble ancient Mayan, Egyptian, Hebrew, and Ojibwa writings. The symbols were observably carved into stone with a chisel. There are 30+ known locations where these strange glyph panels have been found. Spanning from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada.

One of dozens of Mystery Glyph Panels found in the Western United States
PDF files from the old website that were recovered.
These PDF's were created over a decade ago. Information/photos are outdated. If you think you have discovered another authentic Mystery Glyphs panel please contact us.
Here you will find posts and updates about the glyphs as they become available. Check every few weeks or so for updates!
- Articles by Leigh Marymor added to the website.
- New Website Launched!
- Former website files recovered.

Examples of symbols included in the Mystery Glyphs